The diagnosis of Autism is typically associated with
Difficulty with verbal and nonverbal communication
Lacking in social and emotional development
Lacking in imagination
Some further symptoms
Lacking or no eye contact
Insistence on routine
Over or under sensitive senses
Bizarre behaviour

To manage Autism
Learn to first accept Autism
Think positively and act positively. Learn to love your child unconditionally “No Matter What” the diagnosis is.
This is your child. A positive outlook will gain you the strength to assist your child in every way. In recognising your acceptance your child will seek assurance from you, which will in turn help create a greater bond between you and your child.
Focus on the future of the child. Areas of difficulty need to be addressed and the necessary support provided.
Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Behaviour Therapy should be considered priority areas in learning life skills and social skills and academic skills will follow in accordance with the child’s level of ability.
Focus on interests to help motivate other skills
“ Help the Autistic child through allowing them to recognise a need to connect with the environment to help overcome their difficulties while learning the skills required to function within our world"  
Sandy Howarth (Author of “No Matter What” Autism)