Showing Tag: " autistic" (Show all posts)


Posted by Sandy Howarth on Wednesday, February 16, 2011, In : WHAT IS AUTISM? 

Autism was first recognised by Leo Kanner in 1943 - a hugely complex neurological disorder marked by the "Triad of Impairments" which shows difficulties in the areas of communication, social interaction and imagination. It is also a spectrum disorder in which the individual demonstrating traits of autism can fit in anywhere within the spectrum. The symptoms can vary from mild to moderate to severe where some show accompanying learning disabilities. Autistic children appear to be indifferen...

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Posted by Sandy Howarth on Thursday, January 13, 2011, In : MMR VACCINE 

Is it the MMR vaccine?

My child regressed after the MMR vaccine at 15 months just as a large proportion of other Autistic children did. I do not blame the vaccine for Steven’s Autism, as having studied Steven very closely I recognised that he displayed behaviour that was different or lacking in normal development even before the time when the regression took place. I had concerns over Steven’s level of activity, his erratic sleep pattern and the comprehension of language before he had hi...

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Author of No Matter What

My book "No Matter What" takes a positive approach to understanding and dealing with Autism.